The Team
HeadMining’s core consists of senior experts from mainly the Swedish mining industry and research with a deep and wide knowledge of the whole mineral mining process and value chain.
Our experts have been involved in the business for decades, mainly as researchers, managers and technical or economical experts. In addition to our expert management team we have a vast and valuable network of experts, researchers and experienced mining developers. These experts and teams are available as consultants for our customers.

Johan Hedlin
- +30 years of experience
- Management R&D
- Organisation development
Read more about Johan
Mr. Hedlin is a dedicated manager with years’ worth of experience from small and large enterprises in different business, as well as from large international project management tasks. He has also been cooperating with companies and universities in a large number of countries.
With his area of experience being management and organisation development, Mr. Hedlin has spent the past 30 years working with R&D organizations and departments, as well as in project management and sales on both national and international level.
Client experience
Atlas Copco, Sandvik, Orica, Ericsson, Telia Sonera, ABB, Bekaert, SKF, Boliden, LKAB, KGHM, Barrick Gold, Vale, Agnico Eagle.

Prof. Magnus Ericsson
- Senior advisor
- Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences
- Wide international network
Read more about Magnus
He is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences. He represents Sweden in the International Organising Committee of the World Mining Congress. His main interests lie at the cross-roads of social, political and economic impacts of mining. At present he is active in the Stockholm based RMG Consulting advising the global mining cluster. Magnus Ericsson advises companies, governments and international organisations all over the world. He has a wide network of contacts in the Nordic countries, Europe and in Africa. Since the early 2000s he has widened this network to include China and Japan.

Karl Erik Rånman
- Management R&D
- Focusing on safe, stable and low cost solutions
Read more about Karl Erik
Mr Rånman has many years of experience from various management employments in the mining industry, but also from R&D work. Main areas of expertise are in management, mining technology, mining economics, H&S and mining related environmental questions. Some of the R&D projects have involved universities, other mining companies and suppliers to the mining industry. Mr Rånman has recently left the employment with Boliden Mineral and is now working part time in own consulting company with various mining related projects. From the long mine management experience, he is very focused on reaching solutions that are well functioning, safe, stable and at low cost for the mine.

Therese Bejgarn Ph D
- +10 years of experience
- Expert in gold ore formation
- Developed and held university level courses
Read more about Therese
Dr Bejgarn has been working with the mining industry for 10 years, managing exploration projects, in-mine grade control and development work. Her main expertise lies within (gold) ore formation, covering aspects from targeting, exploration process and legislation frameworks, to the challenges of mining different types of ore deposits. She has developed and held university level courses and excursions within ore geology. During the last three years, she has been working with the development and execution of multiple industry-focused ”Research, Development & Innovation” programs and projects, run in collaboration between multiple companies and organisations from several countries.

Craig Walter Griffiths
- Expert in mining industry
- Great knowledge in mining production and technology
- Well reputed manager
Read more about Craig
Mr Griffiths has a long career in the international mining industry and has been project manager for a broad range of development projects e.g. developing future drilling rigs or tunnel driving and he managed a team of engineers and specialists to carry out support for the various mining operations both underground and open pit as well as been the manager for underground rock mechanics department etc. Mr Griffiths has during his journey in mining business built up a deep and excellent understanding of all parts of mining production and mining technology. He is also a well reputed manager.

Prof. Graham Swan Ph D
- Project Manager for Roch Tech Center Ground
- International mining consultant
Read more about Graham
Mr. Swan consults privately for mining companies and mining research agencies in Canada and Sweden. He has held the position as Project Manager for the Rock Tech Centre Ground support program MIGS since 2012.
Imperial College, Royal School of Mines, London, UK. Graduated 1974
B.Sc. in Mining Engineering.
Ph.D. in Rock Fracture Mechanics.
Rock mechanics research engineer at Luleå University of Technology, the Mining Research Laboratory CANMET, Canada, and for Schlumberger Cambridge Research, UK.
Senior Geomechanics Engineer for Falconbridge Limited, Sudbury Operations, Canada. Later Principal Rock Mechanics Engineer.

Kent Tano Ph D
- +30 years experience
- Valuable knowledge in development
- Program Director of the Hjalmar Lundbohm Research Centre at LTU
Read more about Kent
Mr Tano has more than 30 years’ experience in the iron ore business He has valuable experiences from development projects, such as new concentrators and pelletizing plants. Mr Tano has also been the Program Director of the Hjalmar Lundbohm Research Centre at LTU.
Director, R&D, LKAB.
Manager Process Technology, Manager R&D Mineral Processing and Regional Marketing Manager for LKAB.
Program director, Hjalmar Lundbohm Research Centre, Luleå University of Technology.

Prof. Thorkild Maack Rasmussen Ph D
- Experience in geophysical disciplines
- Consulting mineral prospecting companies
- Experienced software developer
Read more about Thorkild
Mr. Rasmussen has experience from a broad spectrum of geophysical disciplines including magnetics, gravity, gamma-ray spectrometry, hyper spectral methods, electromagnetics and seismic. He has provided consulting services to mineral prospecting companies operating in Greenland, Norway, and Germany.
Software developer with experience in database modelling, development, maintenance, and security.
Geological Survey of Sweden in 1994-1998.
Manager of the airborne geophysical projects, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) 1998–2014.
Chair professor of exploration geophysics at Luleå University of Technology, since 2014.

Hamid-Reza Manouchehri Ph D
- +30 years experience
- Experience of both industry and academic areas
- +180 published papers and technical reports
Read more about Hamid-Reza
Dr. Manouchehri has 30 years experiences in field of Mining, Comminution Minerals and Metallurgical Processing, as well as Solid Waste and Water Recycling and Management. He has worked in both industry and academic areas worldwide and contributed to a number of RTD projects around the world with work experiences on projects for the world’s top mining companies, including, BHP, Anglo American Platinum, Vale (former InCo), Somincor Lundin Mining, Boliden, Erize, etc. Furthermore, for 8 years, he worked for Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology, as the “Global Manger Process Intelligence and Development”.
Dr. Manouchehri acts as Adjunct Professor at Mining Department of University of British Columbia, Canada, as well as Honorary Professor at school of Civil, Environment, and Mining Engineering, Adelaide University, Australia. He also acted as Sandvik representative within EIT RawMaterials and acted as advisory member for EIT’s educational committee. He also contributed significantly Sustainable Mining and Innovation for the Future Program (SMIFU) in which he managed the part “Increasing recovery in Mining and Mineral Processing”. Dr. Manouchehri is author of more than 60 papers published in international journals and proceedings of conferences and more than 120 technical reports.